We are pleased to share that our Interactive Data Platform (IDP), launched during COP27, has been updated. The IDP aims to support benchmarking, target setting, reporting, and decision-making at international, regional, national, and local levels. The Platform is intended for policymakers, researchers, and other interested stakeholders. This recent update facilitates a fully interactive experience for the users to easily explore indicators and relevant global, regional, and national data focused on climate change communication and education (CCE) and Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE). The update also includes a User Guide that describes how to navigate the most important functions.
We are delighted to share that the MECCE Project has been invited to deliver the 2023 Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE) Focal Points Academy, which will focus on monitoring, evaluation, and reporting of ACE. The Academy is a hybrid, 1.5-day event, which will take place on June 7-8, 2023. During the event, the MECCE team will be facilitating workshops that aim at expanding National ACE Focal Points and negotiators’ capacity to carry out monitoring, evaluation, and reporting (MER) of quality ACE policies and practices at the national level. Recognizing the diversity in terms of the current situation, priorities and context in each country, the Academy will help foster subnational, national, and international cooperation in undertaking ACE MER activities by providing:
- a roadmap to guide the development of Strategic ACE MER Frameworks;
- basic understanding of the principles and methods of carrying out ACE MER;
- processes to engage key stakeholders and communities in ACE MER.

The first day of the Dialogue will focus on different methodologies such as surveys, indicators, case studies, platforms and reports that can be used for monitoring, evaluating and reporting ACE implementation at different levels. During the ACE Dialogue, the delegation of the MECCE project will share their work on the development of ACE/CCE indicators as a good practice of indicator development. The UNESCO GEM Report Partner will be presenting the UNESCO-MECCE joint effort regarding country profiles as a good practice of case study. By sharing these practices we aim to highlight how our work has promoted the participation of non-Party stakeholders, the methodologies we used, and how they facilitate tracking progress over time.
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Director Marcia McKenzie, Project Manager Nicola Chopin, Axis 3 Lead Susie Ho, and Project Coordinators Aaron Redman and Mariana Campos Rivera will deliver the Academy and present at the ACE Dialogue on June 8-9. The 2023 ACE Academy will focus on strengthening monitoring, evaluation and reporting of implementing all six ACE elements and youth engagement at the national level. The Academy will also serve as a space to provide skills-building activities to strengthen key competences of the National ACE Focal Points.

Marcia McKenzie

Nicola Chopin
Project Manager

Mariana Campos Rivera
Project Coordinator

Aaron Redman
Project Coordinator
Marcia McKenzie, Director
[email protected]
Nicola Chopin, Project Manager
[email protected]

Thank you to the MECCE Project staff and Research Associate and Assistant team, as well as broader MECCE Project partners and collaborators, for all the input and hard work to prepare our research and outputs for SBI58.
Funded Case STudies

We discuss emerging issues in climate communication and education, drawing on our findings, as well as material from other projects and sources.

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