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The Monitoring and Evaluating
Climate Communication and Education Project

Watch Places, Communities, Stories: A case studies video

While there is no one-size-fits-all approach to quality climate communication and education (CCE), an analysis of a global series of MECCE Project case studies shows us there are shared characteristics. Learn more in our video.

Global Indicators

Explore and visualize the MECCE Project’s global indicators of climate change communication and education and country characteristics such as country emissions, climate vulnerability, and economic characteristics. Users can visualize and analyze the global indicators through global, region, and country views, including side-by-side visualizations of region- and country-level indicators. 

CCE Country Profiles

Created in partnership with UNESCO GEM Report, the country profiles provide insight on national CCE strategies, legal frameworks, budgets, and policy and programming. The profiles are validated by country experts, such as ACE Focal Points, and support policy coherence and peer learning through analysis of areas for policy prioritization to advance ACE progress. The detailed country profiles offer a comparative perspective of country progress on ACE and Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Targets 4.7 and 13.3.

View the profiles on the MECCE Project’s website (below) and the GEM Report’s Profiles Enhancing Education Reviews (PEER) website.

Global CCE Blog

The MECCE Project’s CCE blog focuses on emerging issues in climate communication  and education. We draw on our findings, as well as material from other projects and sources, to respond to the rapidly evolving policy environment and public discourse on climate communication and education.

Regional Hubs

This network of interactive groups was designed to support regional collaboration, input, and action in relation to climate communication and education. The Regional Hubs are networking forums that both enable regional input into the Project, and offer opportunities for sharing and mobilising Project impacts. 

Digital Library

The MECCE Project’s Digital Library is a multilingual open access repository for the projects materials, including policy briefs, factsheets, guidelines, infographics, reports, and videos

Learn about The Project

The MECCE Project is  an ambitious international research partnership of over 100 leading scholars and agencies. Our goal is to advance global climate literacy and action through improving the quality and quantity of climate change education, training, and public awareness.