Mr. Mark S. McCaffrey
UNFCCC Education, Communication and Outreach Stakeholders
Mark S. McCaffrey represents MECCE Project collaborator, UNFCCC-ECOS, and is part of the Knowledge Mobilization Working Group. He is founder and co-focal point of ECOS, a community that supports Action for Climate Empowerment and the original Article 6 of the Convention. ECOS is also aligned with capacity-building goals of Article 12 of the Paris Agreement as well as other efforts to reduce climate risks and maximize societal and ecosystem resilience through effective, localized climate education and engagement. Having helped establish a local watershed focused network (BASIN, the Boulder Area Sustainability Information Network), and a national digital library and online community (CLEAN, the Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network), Mark assisted in initiating the climate and energy literacy frameworks and authored Climate Smart & Energy Wise. He assisted in the launch of the Institute for Sustainable Development in Budapest and has consulted with Climate-KIC and various United Nations organizations, such as FAO and UN CC: Learn.