Global Case Studies of Quality Climate Change Communication and Education (CCE)
Quality CCE is more than sharing facts about climate change. The latest research suggests that to help people overcome feelings of loss, anxiety, denial, and apathy about climate change, CCE needs to focus on climate action. Focusing on social learning and local, place-based solutions can help empower learners to take action. It is also vital for CCE to engage with climate justice, including the disproportionate impacts of climate change in the Global South, for women, for racialized and Indigenous communities, and for other historically marginalized groups. Given the escalating urgency of the climate crisis, such holistic CCE can help further climate literacy and action. The MECCE Project’s Case Studies will contribute to a better understanding of quality CCE, both locally through the individual case studies and globally through cross-case analysis of all funded Case Studies. This combined knowledge will be shared with policy makers, practitioners, and researchers around the globe.
To stay updated on the Case Studies’ progress, including to receive news on the next call for proposals, sign up for the MECCE Project e-News.

The Case Studies are independent studies funded by the MECCE Project, selected through Calls for Proposals conducted through our Regional Hub network. Up to 30 Case Studies of innovative CCE will be funded between 2022 and 2024, and each project will be given the opportunity to participate in the cross-case analysis.
The 2022 Case Studies Call for Proposals received 166 submissions from 46 countries. Eligible proposals were adjudicated by 22 MECCE Project Regional Hub members who short-listed 43 case projects. The MECCE Project Steering Council deliberated and awarded $10,000 to each of the successful applicants. The successful Case Studies have 12 months to conduct their research, which will be shared with the MECCE Project through a report and multi-media package.
Current Case Studies Cohort

The Case Studies project would not be possible without the contributions from the Case Study Adjudicators from our Regional Hubs; the guidance the MECCE Project’s Case Studies Working Group, Regional Hub Co-Chairs, and Steering Council; and the work of Dr. Aaron Morehouse and Research Assistant Ella Clerehan.
Regional Hub Co-Chairs
Africa – Ludwig Chanyau, Sidney Muhangi (Rhodes University)
Americas – Oren Pizmony-Levy (Columbia University), Joe Henderson (Paul Smith’s College)
Australasia – Kartikeya Sarabhai (Centre for Environment Education)
Canada – Marjorie Shepherd (Environment and Climate Change Canada), Ellen Field (Lakehead University)
Europe – Pramod Sharma (Foundation for Environment Education), Stefan Bengtsson (Uppsala University)
Case Studies Adjudicators
Africa – Henry Oriokot, Harrison Ekoh, Khalil Walji, John Bhurekeni, Lulu Maqwelane, Hajar Idrissi
Americas – Brenda Lia Chavez Cosmalon, Vanessa Fonseca, Adam Young, Anderson Assuah, Astrid Steele, Heather McGregor, Elisabeth Lefebvre
Australasia – Katsunori Suzuki, Kiichi Oyasu, Preeti Kanaujia, Susie Ho
Europe – Diego Posada, Leonie Ströbele, Vitor Manteigas, Alain Pache, Alfredo Jornet Gil
Steering Council Members
Organizational representatives – Amber Webb (SDSN), Daniel Shaffer (FEE), Dirk Hastedt (IEA)
Academic representatives – Marcia McKenzie (USask/UMelbourne), Aaron Benavot (UAlbany), Heila Lotz-Sisitka (RhodesU)