Interactive Data Platform: Advancing CCE Through Global Data
We are pleased to launch the first phase of our Interactive Data Platform (IDP). The IDP is an online interactive tool to support countries to benchmark and target-set on climate communication and education (CCE) or Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE). It will provide data and stories of CCE to help increase the quantity of global quality CCE. Explore the MECCE Project’s indicators, country profiles, and case studies. The Interactive Data Platform was built in collaboration with the Melbourne Data Analytics Platform and the eResearch Group at the University of Melbourne.
Nine Global CCE/ACE Indicators and Country Data Now Available
We are thrilled to be releasing our first slate of nine global indicators for CCE/ACE. We have compiled data from data providers and partners, such as the Lloyd’s Register Foundation, Clarivate, Global Data Barometer, and Meta; large scale assessments, such as the PISA; and datasets created by the MECCE Project, such as national curriculum and policy documents. The indicators are available for exploration on our Interactive Data Platform. The MECCE Project uses a phased approach to data and indicator development, and more and updated indicators will be released regularly, as we work to improve data availability and quality through our partnership activities.
There are one to two indicators for each of the ACE elements, with ‘education’ separated into primary/secondary and higher education. Our indicators for primary/secondary education cover integration of climate change in national curriculum policy and students’ self-declared knowledge on climate change. For higher education, we offer global data on the extent of climate change focus in research publications. The training indicator covers integration of climate change in technical/vocational training policy. For the public awareness ACE element, explore data related to perceived impact of climate change on future generations and perception of climate change as a serious threat. Our public access to information indicators cover availability of information on climate change impacts and public perceptions of frequency of exposure to climate change information. Finally, the public participation indicator covers adult willingness to participate in climate action. Many thanks to the experts who reviewed and provided feedback on the indicators, data, and research methods.

Launching 30 New Country Profiles in Partnership with UNESCO GEM Report
Created in partnership with UNESCO GEM Report, there are now 50 country profiles of national CCE/ACE activity. These provide insight on national CCE strategies, legal frameworks, budgets, and policy and programming. The profiles are validated by country experts, such as ACE Focal Points, and support policy coherence and peer learning through analysis of areas for policy prioritization to advance ACE progress.
Connect with us
Keep up with our COP27 delegation by following the #MECCE Project on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook. Sign up for MECCE/SEPN COP27 E-news recaps.

Aaron Benavot
Indicator Development Lead
[email protected]

Nicola Chopin
Project Manager
[email protected]

Stefanie Mallow
Research Associate
Other MECCE Project Team members attending COP27 include:
- Daniel Schaffer, Foundation for Environmental Education
- David Holmes, Monash University
- Djian Sadadou, UNESCO Office for Climate Education
- Deepayan Basu, Climate Outreach
- Eric Guilyardi, UNESCO Office for Climate Education
- Jessica Vial, UNESCO Office for Climate Education
- Kartikeya Sarabhai, Centre for Environment Education
- Kristina Madsen, Foundation for Environmental Education
- Nikos Petrou, Foundation for Environmental Education
- Pramod Kumar Sharma, Foundation for Environmental Education
- Pratishtha Singh, Climate Action Network – Réseau action climat Canada
- Won Jung Byun, UNESCO
Marcia McKenzie, Director
[email protected]
Aaron Benavot, Indicator Development Lead
[email protected]
Nicola Chopin, Project Manager
[email protected]
Our events

Advancing Action for Climate Empowerment (ACE) Through Monitoring, Evaluating, and Reporting (MER)
This hour-long class will use real-world examples to explore the importance of ACE MER in advancing the Glasgow Work Programme on ACE. Learners will discuss how monitoring and evaluation of ACE is helpful in their contexts and how data can support benchmarking and target setting. The session will also explore how peer learning can help build ACE MER capacity.
Presenters: Nicola Chopin (MECCE Project), Aaron Redman (MECCE Project), Anna Cristina D’Addio (GEM Report), and Daniel April (GEM Report)
Date: Wednesday, November 9
Time: 18:00 EET
Location: Online
Universalization of Quality Climate Change Education as a Key Component of SDG 4.7
This official COP27 Side Event will discuss pathways and the role of stakeholders in realizing SDG 4.7 through compulsory CCE as a basic right. The session will be live streamed from UNFCCC’s YouTube channel.
Presenters: Aaron Benavot (MECCE Project), Nikos Petrou (Foundation for Environmental Education), Eric Guilyardi (Office for Climate Education), Kartikeya Sarabhai (Centre for Environment Education), Won Jung Byun (UNESCO), and others
Date: Monday, 14 November
Time: 16:45 – 18:15 EET
Location: Thutmose (Room 8)
Advancing the Glasgow Work Programme on ACE: Monitoring and Reporting, Youth Engagement, and Mainstreaming at COP
In this session, the MECCE Project, together with the Youth Constituency of the UNFCCC (YOUNGO), discuss the role of monitoring and reporting, youth engagement, and mainstreaming ACE in other areas of COP negotiations, and will highlight ways to advance ACE in UNFCCC work and member Party activities.
Presenters: Aaron Benavot, Stefanie Mallow, with YOUNGO representatives and moderated by Nicola Chopin
Date: Tuesday, November 15
Time: 14:00 – 15:00 pm EET
Location: Earth Day Pavilion (Blue Zone)

Thank you to the MECCE Project staff and Research Associate and Assistant team, as well as broader MECCE Project partners and collaborators, for all the input and hard work to prepare our research and outputs for COP27.
Funded Case STudies

We discuss emerging issues in climate communication and education, drawing on our findings, as well as material from other projects and sources.

Learn how to join our growing global network, which supports regional input and action on climate communication and education.

Visit our open access repository for project materials, including policy briefs, factsheets, guidelines, infographics, reports, and videos.