Dr. Lucie Sauvé
Université du Québec à Montréal
Lucie Sauvé is a MECCE Project collaborator with the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM). She is part of the MECCE Project’s Case Studies Working Group. Lucie is a full Professor in the Department of Didactics at UQAM where she is also an emeritus researcher of the Center for Research in Education and Training Relating to the Environment and Eco-citizenship and a member of the Institute of Environmental Sciences and of the Health and Society Institute of UQAM. She directs the international journal Environmental Education – Regards, Recherches, Réflexions. Her main areas of specialization relate to the critical and political dimensions of education, the dynamics of citizen mobilization in the field of the environment and eco-development, education relating to environmental health, science, and technology education, and the challenges of training educators and community leaders.