Dr. Aaron Redman
Arizona State University
Aaron Redman is a MECCE Project Research Associate working with our Indicator Development team to innovate new climate change communication and education (CCE) data and indicators. In 2020 he completed his PhD in Sustainability from Arizona State University (ASU). His dissertation focused on clarifying a framework of key competencies in sustainability (what we students need to learn) and how to assess these competencies (measuring whether they are learning it). Aaron has taught sustainability courses for ASU as well as consulting for a variety of global USAID-funded projects. He has been engaged in both 2021 and 2022 by the 10 New Insights in Climate Science project summarizing and translating the latest climate research for global policymakers. Prior to completing his dissertation, he contributed to the Educating Future Change Agents project, a joint research project between Leuphana University in Germany and ASU focusing education best practices to support attaining key competencies in sustainability. Aaron also has worked as a sustainability professor in Leon, Mexico, and a Peace Corps Volunteer in El Salvador. He received his Master’s of Science in Sustainability from ASU.