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Number and type of whole institution domains
This map illustrates the number and type of whole institution domains covered by each jurisdiction.
The states are coloured according to number of whole institution domains covered by each jurisdiction, as shown in the legend.
The symbols illustrate Overall Governance (OG in stars), Facilities and Operations (FO in exes), and Teaching and Learning (TL in dots). There are no policies that address the domain of Community Partnerships.
Start exploring by placing your mouse on the map or by clicking on the legend categories.
Across all 50 states and Washington D.C., 84% of jurisdictions (43/51) had policies that addressed climate change in only one whole institution domain. Fourteen percent of states (7/51) had policies that addressed climate change in two domains. Only one state, Minnesota, had policies that included climate change in three domains.
Climate change inclusion across whole institution domains
This graph shows the percentage of the documents with climate change content by whole institution domain. Ninety percent of the time climate change content was mentioned (122/136 policies), it was in a teaching and learning policy (i.e., state standards, curriculum frameworks, environmental literacy plan, or teaching and learning plan).