whole institution framework


Number and type of whole institution domains

This map illustrates the number and type of whole institution domains covered by institutions in each jurisdiction.

The states are coloured according to number of whole institution domains covered by institutions in each jurisdiction, as shown in the legend.

The symbols illustrate Overall Governance (OG in stars), Facilities and Operations (FO in exes), Community Partnerships (CP in plus signs), Teaching and Learning (TL in check marks), and Research (R in flags).

Start exploring by placing your mouse on the map or by clicking on the legend categories.

Climate change content was typically only included in relation to 1 domain of institutional activity, and was more commonly found in overall governance or facilities and operations policies. Institutions from 29 jurisdictions only included climate change content in policy from 1 whole institution domain type. Twenty-eight jurisdictions had institutions that included climate change content in policy from 2 whole institution domain types. Only 5 jurisdictions had institutions that included climate change content in policy from 3 whole institution domain types.

Percentage of institutions addressing climate change across institutional domains

Fifty-four percent of institutions (46/85) with climate change content in their policies only included that content in policy from 1 whole institution domain. Forty percent of institutions (34/85) included climate change content in policies from 2 domains. Only 6% of institutions (5/85) had climate change content in policies from 3 domains, and no institutions had climate change content in policy types from more than three domains.