CCE Country Profile: Cuba

CCE Country Profile CUBA Table of Contents We encourage countries to give input on the profiles to assist us in keeping them accurate and up to date. Please contact the GEM Report (education.profiles(at) or the MECCE Project ( to give input. The country profiles are also available on the GEM Report’s Profiles Enhancing Education Reviews […]

CCE Country Profile: Chile

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CCE Country Profile Chile Table of Contents We encourage countries to give input on the profiles to assist us in keeping them accurate and up to date. Please contact the GEM Report (education.profiles(at) or the MECCE Project ( to give input. The country profiles are also available on the GEM Report’s Profiles Enhancing Education Reviews […]

The Whole-School Approach to Climate Change Education in Action

Facebook Twitter Youtube Envelope In this case study, we see the importance of embracing the power of place to enable a new type of learning as the school community weaves the natural environment into its governance, curriculum, facilities, and community outreach. Country: ArgentinaSDG Region: Latin America and the CaribbeanSector: Formal educationKeywords: Whole school approach, primary […]

CCE Country Profile: El Salvador

CCE Country Profile el salvador Table of Contents We encourage countries to give input on the profiles to assist us in keeping them accurate and up to date. Please contact the GEM Report (education.profiles(at) or the MECCE Project ( to give input. The country profiles are also available on the GEM Report’s Profiles Enhancing Education […]

CCE Country Profile: Panama

CCE Country Profile PANAMA Table of Contents We encourage countries to give input on the profiles to assist us in keeping them accurate and up to date. Please contact the GEM Report (education.profiles(at) or the MECCE Project ( to give input. The country profiles are also available on the GEM Report’s Profiles Enhancing Education Reviews […]

The City and Climate Change: Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices for Climate Change Management and Adaptation in Greater Tegucigalpa and Surrounding Municipalities

Facebook Twitter Youtube Envelope Country: HondurasSDG Region: Latin America and the CaribbeanSector: Public, formal educationKeywords: Formal education, informal education, public engagement, multi-stakeholder engagement, climate communication, action learning In Tegucigalpa, the capital city of Honduras, the Honduran Association of Developing Communities (AHCODESS), in association with the Agency for Development and Sustainable Environmental Management (ADEGEA) are learning […]

CCE Country Profile: Haiti

CCE Country Profile haiti Table of Contents We encourage countries to give input on the profiles to assist us in keeping them accurate and up to date. Please contact the GEM Report (education.profiles(at) or the MECCE Project ( to give input. The country profiles are also available on the GEM Report’s Profiles Enhancing Education Reviews […]

CCE Country Profile: Bolivia

CCE Country Profile Bolivia Table of Contents We encourage countries to give input on the profiles to assist us in keeping them accurate and up to date. Please contact the GEM Report (education.profiles(at) or the MECCE Project ( to give input. The country profiles are also available on the GEM Report’s Profiles Enhancing Education Reviews […]

CCE Country Profile: Uruguay

CCE Country Profile URUGUAY Table of Contents We encourage countries to give input on the profiles to assist us in keeping them accurate and up to date. Please contact the GEM Report (education.profiles(at) or the MECCE Project ( to give input. The country profiles are also available on the GEM Report’s Profiles Enhancing Education Reviews […]

CCE Country Profile: Mexico_ES

PERFIL de ECC MEXICO Click here to read the profile in English ÍNDICE Alentamos a los países a que aporten información sobre los perfiles para ayudarnos a mantenerlos precisos y actualizados. Comuníquese con el Informe GEM (education.profiles (at) o el Proyecto MECCE ( (at) para dar su opinión. Los perfiles de países también […]