CCE Country Profile: France

CCE Country Profile france Table of Contents We encourage countries to give input on the profiles to assist us in keeping them accurate and up to date. Please contact the GEM Report (education.profiles(at) or the MECCE Project ( to give input. The country profiles are also available on the GEM Report’s Profiles Enhancing Education Reviews […]

CCE Country Profile: Norway

CCE Country Profile Norway Table of Contents We encourage countries to give input on the profiles to assist us in keeping them accurate and up to date. Please contact the GEM Report (education.profiles(at) or the MECCE Project ( to give input. The country profiles are also available on the GEM Report’s Profiles Enhancing Education Reviews […]

CCE Country Profile: Türkiye

CCE Country Profile Türkiye Table of Contents We encourage countries to give input on the profiles to assist us in keeping them accurate and up to date. Please contact the GEM Report (education.profiles(at) or the MECCE Project ( to give input. The country profiles are also available on the GEM Report’s Profiles Enhancing Education Reviews […]

CCE Country Profile: Scotland

CCE Country Profile SCOTLAND Table of Contents We encourage countries to give input on the profiles to assist us in keeping them accurate and up to date. Please contact the GEM Report (education.profiles(at) or the MECCE Project ( to give input. The country profiles are also available on the GEM Report’s Profiles Enhancing Education Reviews […]

CCE Country Profile: Czech Republic

CCE Country Profile Czech Republic Table of Contents We encourage countries to give input on the profiles to assist us in keeping them accurate and up to date. Please contact the GEM Report (education.profiles(at) or the MECCE Project ( to give input. The country profiles are also available on the GEM Report’s Profiles Enhancing Education […]

CCE Country Profile: Romania

CCE Country Profile romania Table of Contents We encourage countries to give input on the profiles to assist us in keeping them accurate and up to date. Please contact the GEM Report (education.profiles(at) or the MECCE Project ( to give input. The country profiles are also available on the GEM Report’s Profiles Enhancing Education Reviews […]

CCE Country Profile: Iceland

CCE Country Profile ICELAND Table of Contents We encourage countries to give input on the profiles to assist us in keeping them accurate and up to date. Please contact the GEM Report (education.profiles(at) or the MECCE Project ( to give input. The country profiles are also available on the GEM Report’s Profiles Enhancing Education Reviews […]

CCE Country Profile: Canada – FR

Canada Flag

PROFIL AXE SUR CCE CANADA Click here to read the profile in English CONTENU Nous encourageons les pays à donner leur avis sur les profils pour nous aider à les garder exacts et à jour. Veuillez contacter le Rapport GEM (education.profiles(at) ou le projet MECCE ( pour donner votre avis. Les profils de pays sont […]

CCE Country Profile: United States of America

CCE Country Profile UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Table of Contents We encourage countries to give input on the profiles to assist us in keeping them accurate and up to date. Please contact the GEM Report (education.profiles(at) or the MECCE Project ( to give input. The country profiles are also available on the GEM Report’s Profiles […]

CCE Country Profile: Australia


CCE Country Profile AUSTRALIA Table of Contents We encourage countries to give input on the profiles to assist us in keeping them accurate and up to date. Please contact the GEM Report (education.profiles(at) or the MECCE Project ( to give input. The country profiles are also available on the GEM Report’s Profiles Enhancing Education Reviews […]